Who’s Who on your Parish Council


There are currently eight elected or co-opted Parish Councillors.

Councillors are not paid and receive no income, so all work done on our Residents’ behalf is completely voluntary.  The Council meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month and there are no meetings in August or January.

At the start of Council meetings 15 minutes is set aside for public participation.



Code of Conduct

Lynn Wainwright




Judy Brown




Philip Hotham


Penny Stevenson


P Hawley


Roy Didlock


Jo Curtis

Parish Clerk

15 Ings Lane
DN20 9PF

T: 01652 656946 
E: clerk@redbourneparishcouncil.gov.uk May open an email client if one is installed

Register of Interests

Please follow the link below to view the register of interests for your Parish Councillors:


Your Ward Councillors

Redbourne is part of the Ridge Ward which falls under your local authority, North Lincolnshire Council. Ridge Ward is one of the larger Wards containing seven parishes, which consist of a range of towns, villages and hamlets of varying sizes. Two North Lincolnshire Councillors represent Ridge Ward.

They attend Parish Council meetings and are the link between the Parish Council and North Lincolnshire Council.

Trevor Foster

Ward Councillor

29 Park Street, Messingham, North Lincolnshire DN17 3RU

E: Cllr.TrevorFoster@northlincs.gov.uk May open an email client if one is installed
T: 01724 762119

Councillor David Garritt

Ward Councillor

Beckingham House, 27 Ings Road, Kirton in Lindsey

E: dsgarritt@gmail.com May open an email client if one is installed
M: 07824 889616

A town monument with Redbourne 1791-1917 and a knight, duck and possibly a pigeon on it

Code of Conduct

Our Councillors are required to sign up to the Code of Conduct and, in doing so, pledge to observe the requirements contained within it.

As part of this they are required to complete a register of interests and this can be found by following the link below (then click on the required Councillor name):

Councillor Register of Interests